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Basic Beginner's Guide

Well, It’s obvious that you need to know how to build an army to survive in the mage knight world. These basic army guides should help you build a basic army to play against your friends.

Now, if you are just starting out, you will have a limited supply of figures. Lets say you have about 25 figs, know all the rules, and are anxious to play.

First, you need a bit of free time, maybe a spare Saturday. Also try pulling a friend or someone around who likes Mk also.

Now here is what I do. First, decide on a faction or two. Usually using your two factions that you have the most of will work. Now, assemble the army.

Make your army around how you like to play. Look at fig lists to find good combos, keep in mind rulings. And personalize! Don’t mimic a killer army published elsewhere, because then you have just a copy, and not your own unique army!

Personally, I like to use a melee formation, with a healer in it. Also, a ranged formation is used. Then fill in the rest with other guys (AKA loners).

The next step is to playtest, with your friend, about twenty minute games, taking note on how strategies work and develop new ones. Make changes, and repeat. Now, keep a few things in mind as you perfect your army.

*Keep the support small, maybe with is using 25 points at most, maybe using more if you want to add one more support fig. But definitely NO more than 40 points on support in 200pt..

*Mix range and Melee carefully. Putting on the range may be good in some cases, but in others offensive melee is good. Find out what is being played!

*Practice! And have fun playing!

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